
New Facebook Ad Benchmarks & More Top Stories from March

We have made it through the ides of March, losing an hour of sleep (though it felt like 5 hours), and winter storm Stella. Though the temperature in Boston remains at a tepid 40 degrees, spring has sprung and brought along some nice allergies…we are ready for April!

Best of march

Here are our best posts from March in case you missed them while out stocking up on milk and bread prepping for a spring blizzard or forgot to set your clock forward an hour.

1. Facebook Ad Benchmarks for YOUR Industry [New Data]

So, we might be cheating here a little bit since this was published on the last day of February but we want to make sure you don’t miss it! Our data scientist, Mark Irvine, pulled together a comprehensive list of all important performance metrics on Facebook based on industry.

March CPC

2. How to Use Google AdWords [Infographic]

With some fantastic analogies between AdWords and college life, Allen Finn brings you a simple but thorough infographic illustrating how to use Google AdWords for your business. Get to the top of the class with this proven path to AdWords Success!

3. 10 Ogilvy Advertising Secrets that Still Work in 2017

David Ogilvy literally wrote the book on advertising, a work that continues to be relevant 30 years later. This post reveals the most important secrets that are alive and well in 2017, and how to use them to your advantage. Best part? Brad Smith included some great quotes straight from the book, which give us a window into Ogilvy’s straight-forward manner—without actually having to read it!

4. 7 Little-Known, Research-Backed Lead Generation Ideas Revealed

This post outlines some lesser-known lead generation marketing ideas that actually work. These will arm your marketing team with new and creative ideas to kick-start gathering leads.

5. Exact Match Keywords No Longer Exact Match

Staying on top of industry news is our specialty, and Mark Irvine never lets you down. On St. Patrick’s day, Google announced changes to keyword match types, especially affecting exact match. This post outlines exactly what you need to know and do to remedy your account after the change.

Exact match march

6. GIFs Will Revolutionize Your Facebook Ads - Here's How to Use Them

Thrillingly, Facebook began allowing advertisers to use .gifs in ads starting in February. Not only will this spice up your newsfeed, Allen Finn outlines why .gifs are a big deal and how to use them effectively.

7. 37 Staggering Video Marketing Statistics for 2017

Digital marketing is turning more toward video marketing this year—we compiled are some statistics about video that might shock you!

8. NEW Display Location Extensions & Ads: Drive More Local Business

As search intent continues to become more local, Google released new display location extensions to show your local business address beneath your ad. Mark Irvine explains how this can be used effectively!

9. Why Brand Advertising Drives More Conversions than You Think

If consumers have never heard of you, they aren’t going to be searching for your brand. In this post, Larry explains why brand advertising is so important and how to start branding your company.

10. OK, Google: How Do I Optimize My Site for Voice Search?

Voice search is changing the way Google handles search queries, how we search, and our attitudes toward search in general. Dan Shewan dives into what makes Google voice unique through its history, and how to develop content that is primed for voice searches of the future.    

from Internet Marketing Blog by WordStream http://ift.tt/2nH4i2d

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